Saturday, December 29, 2012

Epic Failure

Here's a movie that I thought was going to be a really good movie.  This movie got so much talk, one friend even told she went to go see it and thought it was a good movie.  Today's topic......
      I'm not one to just go out and buy any old movie, so I got a copy from someone.  Shame shame right, I know.  Anyway, so I made sure the kid wasn't going to be home before I watched it.  With a great line up for the actors, I was thinking this was going to be good.  Man was I wrong.  However, I decided that I would give it a second look by watching an original copy.  So after watching this movie twice now, I'm more convinced than ever that my first thoughts were the right choice.
      With Matthew McConaughey as Dallas, Channing Tatum as Magic Mike, Alex Pettyfer as Adam a.k.a The Kid, Joe Manganiello as Big Dick Rick, Matthew Bomer as Ken, Kevin Nash as Tarzan, and Adam Rodriguez as Tito.  Don't get me wrong, if I ever wanted to go see some male strippers, I would want them to dance as good as they did in this movie.  However, this movie was not these actors best.  Let's be honest here folks, McConaughey is better at Drama and Romance with a twist of comedy.  Tatum, although he was in his element, is better with dancing based Drama, Romance, and Action.  Unfortunately for Manganiello, I've only seen him in True Blood.  I would love to see more of him, in other movies if I may add, but for now that's all I know.  The acting in this movie was bad.  The movie seemed low budget and rushed.  There's word of a part two coming out, I hope they do better.  Make it look like a movie and some school project.  Take your time with it next time and don't make it look like you just shot this from your basement.
      This movie gets a 1 1/2 star rating.  the 1/2 is for the dancing.  Til next time folks.....
Next up.............The Rise of the Guardians.  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Let's all work together

As I sit and think about the way that I have writing my blogs, I realize that I have been doing them all wrong.  So as I begin the next movie, I promise from here on out things will be different.
Today's topic,
      As I continue my journey down the TWILIGHT SAGA path, Eclipse was yet another good movie.  Once again without listing any names (saving that for the final chapter), Bella, Edward, and Jacob show us everything they have.  With Victoria creating her army of new Born's, the Cullens and the wolf pack were ready for whatever was coming.  However, Bella had to take a trip to see her mom first which was a cover up for what the wolves and the Cullens were doing over the weekend.  Once they got back, Jacob told Bella.  In result, Bella got on the back of Jacob's motorcycle and rode off with him.  While she spent her time there, Jacob forced a kissed that made Bella punch him (rule number one, never punch a werewolf).  A very heated fight almost broke out until Charlie broke it up. 
      As the news in Seattle continued to report the problems with the new Born's, the Cullens couldn't figure out what was going on.  However, Jasper had only one idea.......New Born's.  Jasper knew right off hand what was going on because he has dealt with this sort of thing before.  It happened to him.  So they set up this whole plan on what to do and how to do it before a few members of the Volterra showed up.  In order for them to prepare for what was coming, they had to train with Jasper, including the wolves.  Once the plan was set, everyone was at their marks and ready to destroy the new Born's.  Unfortunately for Jacob, he got the one set of news he never wanted, the thought and the knowledge of knowing that Bella was going to marry Edward. 
      Jacob had so much anger built up that he had to channel it somewhere.  Jacob went to join the fight, but not before he had talked to Bella and got the kiss he should've gotten the first time.  Just when they thought that they had gotten all of the new Born's, Jacob got hurt trying to help Leah.  Edward and Bella were left alone to fight Victoria and her "lover."  Remembering a the story of the brave wife of a werewolf, Bella had to make a sacrifice that could have ended her life.  Once Edward had defeated Victoria, they headed back to the field where everyone else was, and just in time too.  Jane and a few others had made their way to the field and noticed that the new Born's had be taken care of, all but one.  Despite the fact that she was not a problem, the Volterra doesn't give second chances and her time was up. 
      With everyone safe (for now) Bella and Edward decided it was time to let Charlie and everyone else know that they were getting married.  This movie was great, may be not as good as the first one or the second one, definitely not as good as the last one, but it was good.  Having the opportunity to see how werewolves and vampires can work together was fun to watch.  I give this movie 3 1/2 stars (may be 4 stars).  I still enjoyed this movie just not as much as I enjoyed the book.  That's all for now folks stay tuned for Breaking Dawn part 1 & 2.
Til next time folks.........