Saturday, March 29, 2014


      When you think of the definition of the word "DIVERGENT," you should think of this movie. The meaning of the word (for those who don't know) is, "Tending to be different of develop in different directions." Now if you have seen the movie or read the books then you should already know that this is very true for Tris and Four.  The very definition of the word really does make since for the this movie.  It has action, drama, and romance.  All of which I love in my choice of movies.  Although this may be backwards, after seeing this movie, I'm definitely intrigued enough to want to read the trilogy.  I can't wait for the second part to this movie.

      To have some kind of injection that would tell you what kind of life you will lead is one that I'm most people would want.  However, to know that you are different from everyone else and having the option to choose your own destiny, seems like a pretty sweet deal.  Not having to worry about disappointing your family is the only thing that may hold you back from what you truly feel in your heart.  For many of us, we know what we should do (or at least what our parents what us or wish we would do), but we choose to follow our hearts instead.  In the end, we have to do what is best for us.

      Divergent was definitely a great movie and worth every dime.  I give Divergent a 4 stars.  This is a movie worth adding to my collection.  Til next time folks...............................................

                 LET'S TALK MOVIES!!!!!!