Saturday, July 19, 2014

One of those days..........or nights

      Have you ever had one of those moments, "Did they really just say that?"  What about about,"Did that really just happen?"  Or may be just,"WTF."  I'm pretty sure we all have been there and done that and sometimes wish we hadn't. When that happens, we often find ourselves taking a step back (if we can) and taking a deep breath. In other cases, we need to leave the room to avoid saying something we may regret. Then there's the select few that just need to let off that steam that was created and punch the other guy/girl in the face. Ouch, I wouldn't want to be on the other end of that fist.

      Have you ever noticed that when you get married, the first advice is, "Never go to bed angry. Talk about it and fix the problem before going to bed next to the person you're mad at." Or at least something along those lines. If you are married, how many times did you follow that advice? Did working it out help? Did it seem to be getting worse every time you spoke? Now that some time had passed, does things seem easier now? Here's my advice, I don't care how long you've been married, marriage is hard. However, as long as both of you are willing to work hard at it and make it work then you have a pretty solid marriage. Those of you doing it for the kids, stop. They were the problems, they see that you are no longer a team, and it hurts them too. Don't wait till they're grown up or just a little bit older to understand. No matter when you do it, it's going to hurt them just as much if not more, but the longer you wait, the harder it will be for them to accept it and move on. I've been there. I acted up and was labeled the bad kid and before I knew it, my life has changed.

      I just thought I would talk to you guys for a little while, just some passing thoughts. Till next time folks...........

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dreams and Hobbies

      Today I'm doing things just a pinch different.  I want to talk about something a lot of us think about all the time.  It's our way of life and if we don't get it just right, sometimes we can go a little crazy.  Instead of movies, I'm going to focus on dreams and hobbies.  So let's get started.  

What's your Dreams and Hobbies?

      We all tend to look for the things in life that make us happy.  Things that make us enjoy life just a little bit more.  The things that make us who we really want to be.  So what's your dreams and hobbies?  Are they one in the same? Does it bring out the real you? Does it make you happy?  Take a second and think about those answers well you read.  

      I'm learning that my dreams and hobbies are one in the same.  Those of you who really know me should know that my dream has always been music.  However, another dream of mine has been interior decorating and owning my own company.  I haven't put much effort in any of these dreams except music.  My hubbies on the other hand are now turning into my dream and that is a dream that is coming true.

      Music was a big part of my life and it still is.  It's one of the things I love most in my life.  However, as I said before, I have a new passion and I have so much fun with it.  Baking!!!!!  Decorating Cakes and Cupcakes, making cinnamon rolls, and all types of different breads!  I've never had so much fun in my life.  Unlike my other dreams, this is one that I'm actually doing something about.  

My demonstration cake (a friend is teaching me).                                         

Father's Day cake (above) and a birthday cake for a co-worker (below)

 This was my Easter Cake.

This was my 4th of July cake.

      These are just a few of what I have done so far.  I really do enjoy doing this and it's something I want to do and make a living out of it.  Some people find jobs just to make money.  When that happens, you can almost guarantee a lot of stressful days and nights.  Why not do the thing that makes you happy and makes you money?  In the end, our hobbies and dreams cost money just to keep doing what we love, the goal is making a profit.   So no matter what your dreams or hobbies are whether it is...........

Or may be it's.......
Cake Designing

Cupcake Designing

It doesn't matter what your Dreams and Hobbies are, as long as the make you happy and you love doing it.  Enjoy life, enjoy being you.  I've shown you my side and there is more to come with my up coming events.  What's yours?  What inspires you?